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Nissan Named “King of EVs”

In January, Nissan led the media coverage among four companies featured in this report. With timely releases of new models and a clear emphasis on the shift to electric vehicles in their messaging, Nissan earned the title "King of EVs."

The automobile industry has been slowly but steadily moving towards a full transition to electric vehicles (EVs). As the demand for EVs continues to grow and the industry continues to adapt to the market’s changing needs, it is important for EV manufacturers to know where they stand, and how their brand is being talked about in the media.

In January, Nissan had the most media coverage among the four companies included in this report. With timely releases of new models and a clear emphasis on the shift to electric vehicles in their messaging, Nissan was able to bag the name of “King of EVs” specifically with the Nissan Leaf, one of the most positively received electric car models released in 2022..

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